Bring out your child’s best smile with these dental caps.
Sometimes referred to as “dental caps”, Dr. Kari uses crowns to improve the appearance and health of your child’s mouth. If teeth are chipped, discoloured, or have decay or breakage, crowning those teeth is a way to get that strong, beautiful, and natural-looking smile that every kid deserves to have.
Ever wondered what the difference is between a crown and a filling, a dental inlay, or a dental onlay? Crowns cover the entire tooth from the gum line up so that, in essence, a crown becomes the new tooth surface because it completely covers the tooth. Fillings, inlays, and onlays only cover or fill a portion of the tooth, so the natural tooth surface still shows alongside.
One similarity that crowns and fillings do have, however, is that many times they can be created from similar materials like zirconia (similar to porcelain) or stainless steel. Not sure which material makes the most sense for your child’s crown? Dr. Kari can advise and tell you more about the different crown options.