Tongue Tie/Lip Tie
What are they and can they impact your baby’s breast feeding?
Tongue Tie/Lip Tie
Tongue tie (ankyloglossia) is a condition present at birth in which an abnormally short frenulum (the bank of tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth) restricts the tongue’s ability to function properly. A lip tie is an unusually short labial frenulum, which keeps the upper lip tethered to the gum line. Tongue and lip tie often occur in tandem, are more common in boys than girls, and tend to run in families.
There has been some evidence to suggest that tongue tie can have an impact on breast-feeding, tongue range of motion, and a child’s ability to eat, speak and swallow, but the evidence is mixed. At BabyTooth, we examine the circumstances of each case and recommend treatment options accordingly and with the parents’ consent. Treatment ranges from doing nothing, to a-wait-and see-approach, to a surgical procedure (frenectomy) to break the attachment.